41 research outputs found

    EtiCor: Corpus for Analyzing LLMs for Etiquettes

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    Etiquettes are an essential ingredient of day-to-day interactions among people. Moreover, etiquettes are region-specific, and etiquettes in one region might contradict those in other regions. In this paper, we propose EtiCor, an Etiquettes Corpus, having texts about social norms from five different regions across the globe. The corpus provides a test bed for evaluating LLMs for knowledge and understanding of region-specific etiquettes. Additionally, we propose the task of Etiquette Sensitivity. We experiment with state-of-the-art LLMs (Delphi, Falcon40B, and GPT-3.5). Initial results indicate that LLMs, mostly fail to understand etiquettes from regions from non-Western world.Comment: Accepted at EMNLP 2023, Main Conferenc

    Multi-Task Learning Framework for Extracting Emotion Cause Span and Entailment in Conversations

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    Predicting emotions expressed in text is a well-studied problem in the NLP community. Recently there has been active research in extracting the cause of an emotion expressed in text. Most of the previous work has done causal emotion entailment in documents. In this work, we propose neural models to extract emotion cause span and entailment in conversations. For learning such models, we use RECCON dataset, which is annotated with cause spans at the utterance level. In particular, we propose MuTEC, an end-to-end Multi-Task learning framework for extracting emotions, emotion cause, and entailment in conversations. This is in contrast to existing baseline models that use ground truth emotions to extract the cause. MuTEC performs better than the baselines for most of the data folds provided in the dataset.Comment: 19 Pages, Accepted at Workshop on Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing, NeurIPS 202

    ISLTranslate: Dataset for Translating Indian Sign Language

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    Sign languages are the primary means of communication for many hard-of-hearing people worldwide. Recently, to bridge the communication gap between the hard-of-hearing community and the rest of the population, several sign language translation datasets have been proposed to enable the development of statistical sign language translation systems. However, there is a dearth of sign language resources for the Indian sign language. This resource paper introduces ISLTranslate, a translation dataset for continuous Indian Sign Language (ISL) consisting of 31k ISL-English sentence/phrase pairs. To the best of our knowledge, it is the largest translation dataset for continuous Indian Sign Language. We provide a detailed analysis of the dataset. To validate the performance of existing end-to-end Sign language to spoken language translation systems, we benchmark the created dataset with a transformer-based model for ISL translation.Comment: Accepted at ACL 2023 Findings, 8 Page